Category Archives: art and life

Clarity Through The Spyglass 

​Life is a camera, you can only view a handful within its frame, you choose which angle to shoot, what lighting to use  and what perspective to pick. And for every object there are a thousand pictures to make, with a every picture holding a thousand stories. 

And that’s enough to put you on a wrong trail. You just have to still your hand and listen with your heart to find the right angle. But even then comes the ability to make clear. 

Clarity lies in distance,get too close and you will be blinded by the obscurity of life. Walk too far and you will glimpse naught.  It’s like watching a treeline with your heart as the best judge of distance and ‘near’ being its greatest weakness.  

-Some  things are clearer from a spy glass. 

with bathe water …

Prince Arslan only 16 leading his Calvary of not just soldiers but sworn friends ready slay their lives for a perfect future.

Lessons can be packed I’m the most unsuspecting places easily tossed off with the bathe water .  Whether you get to decode meaning or not depends on one’s patience and willingness to lower lower one’s  pride and draw inference. One of the best lesson packed media content is a Japanese animation. Arslan Senki Continue reading

Strands Of Love

This morning I recite Zangotse’s poem trimmed affection, a soaking piece for a daring heart.
~Strands of love~
Like Z to A and Z in my name,
Life isn’t an Alphabet,
It takes Re-righting wrongs to realize life needs a meaning.
A purpose it takes, to course our way in a town’s bursting throng.
Priorities right and spirits lifted with the chins he didst mould.
A little more care and addictive here, are the crowd’s potent dose.
A deeming view and sight I lose, while the crowd soaks in sin.
This warm embrace – that wrungs my arms till wrong feels just right.
What’s this I feel? My thoughts unlearned, a panic stirs yet their sighs hold me still.
My content heart with woe I soil, as my hand reaches theirs.
Act along I say and put a show does my heart beckon on.
This glove I fit that bleeds my core is the world’s filthy cage.
Their tastes I serve with empty words for their morphed greedy guts.
I am but a slave yet my longing made me one.
A circus doll in the devil’s arms.
Why it didst take me excess baggage to realize endings beauty I muse.
I finally know my place, the place I belong,
in the creators arms that await my return with love’s aching smile..
Life isn’t easy as an alphabet, and I finally got to my Z.
By ZAngi

Posted from Server1.Admin

Tick-tock clock struck 365days

mulenga.jpgThe clock has turned around again. Anniversary badges decorate my mailbox.
Like any anniversary I feel belated. My heart smiles with content, a feeling of belonging swells within my chest as I ponder over all I have gained in blogging.
By writing I have flooded the walls with emotions and endearment as my thoughts flowed with my hand. And in return I have watched myself grow.
Like a nurse I have graphed my growth, beyond the bounds of a prisoner his own success it ascends yet still in my infancy of this lifestyle.
Fame,importance and fairy overnight-success were the primal wants I hoped to find in blogging yet little had I known that blogging was nothing but an extension of one’s own self. 
Like the real society, it has friendship, love and trust which can be earned with time and shared by those worthy of it.
Happy anniversary to you readers!!!!  


Taking my last glance at the world that I so dearly loved I see nothing but the polished axe of justice only inches away from my face that is about to end my days on earth. I try to avert my eyes to avoid the reflection on its shiny side that meets my eyes, yet the effect is so great for the muscles of my neck to beat.
In it I see the Me that I’ve always known. I see my past and how it has brought me to the present. Like a dream I begin to replay the film of my entire life.
Out infancy grows little me; an honors’ kid with no record of failure. Extra abilities begin to cook up within, I get the oratory skills, discernment, diplomacy and everything else a man of 30 can ever wish.

Out of me sprouts the little genius that drops the jaws of all passersby in awe of this phenomenon. Trust is the word that every eye sees inscribed on my forehead. And behold I am honored with  the axe of justice as a mark of authority; first a small one then later a big one fit enough only for the Kings.
Yet like a rabid dog, pride begins to eat away all the good in me. ‘I’ is the only word that remains in my vocabulary. I begin to seek absolute attention and excessive pleasure. Obsessed with the desire for influence and securing my loot, I begin to grow deaf to the plights of others and my sight is finally taken away. Everyone disappears to the Ghostly world and only appear when I need their services.
The axis of the world is finally reduced to the size of my palm, and the world is finally in my grasp. With the axe of justice in my other hand, I begin to cut my way through the human forest to absolute control.

The dripping blood on my axe and the innocent corpses at my feet bear no effect on my conscience. The spirituality and humanity in me are all clogged with obsession.

Like a spider I unconsciously spun my own web of fate. And at the appointed time I was entangled without hope of escape. Unlike the past ditches I had hauled myself out of with the help of deception and pretense, I knew this one was too great for me to break loose. I knew my days on earth had plummeted. By my own axe I was dragged to this moment; My very last hour on earth, kneeling before lynch man.
I imagined how a piece of metal not even half my weight could so quickly end my life once it swept its way past my neck.

I marveled at how a reflection on this piece of metal could bring a full revelation of my past life in less than a blink of an eye. I wondered even more how I disguised the truth with a choice of self-assuring words. Like one watching a movie for the first time I hated myself for all the mess I had caused.

What had finally wedged my eyes open? A single piece of metal on a wooden rod? With all my sharp-wittedness, how did I miss every detail or even fail to see I was going of course?
I was going to pay for every misdeed but I know even if my head falls off my shoulders and soils itself in the dirt, I will still reincarnate. And in my next life, I will right every wrong I made. Like a farmer I will grip my plough and plow the fields of serenity.
With a swish, a new thought twitched within me. “Was I the only culprit? How many people from the crowd behind the hangman were as guilty as me?” “EVERYONE!” Was the answer that came from the depths of my heart. It was the nature of man to consider his needs and secure his achievements before considering those of others. And if his needs and whims are carelessly let loose, their effects on the beholder  are overwhelmingly stunning as to hypnotize one into even banishing his dearest ones to “the land of the forgotten”; a treacherous act against one’s own principles, just clear the way for “success”.
The only antidote to this is Love and Self-introspection and that is the gift I give you all this Easter for choosing golden morals.

Would You Marry You?

A special day like this one reminds us of the fact that there is more to life than work. It doesn’t matter whether you are existing as a “ghost”(the temporarily forgotten ones without anyone to share this special day with) or as a full flesh-and-bone human in an umbrella of love today, you still must pull up your boots and walk right into the dazzling light of life.
It is a day when you have to cave in to the needs of the person next door.
But have you ever wondered if it was really generous of you to only do this once in 366 days?
Are the people you are sharing quality time with the same people you had on last year’s list?
Well I don’t think so.
The other person fell off the list because they were too inconsiderate, too mean, too self-centred to be kept on your friend list. You felt like crap under the roof of this attention-seeking person and so you had every reason to unfriend them.
Was this person really as bad as you think?
In life at times there comes a time when we make wrong judgment and assumptions about other people that we even fail to see the good in them. There are no perfect beings, yet we continue to despise others and only praise a few that we think are “angels.”
How stunning it is that when two people make nearly the same mistake, one is scolded for carelessness and negligence while the other is thought to have done it out of pure innocence. We bring to surface the past wrongs of the former. Whether they were a natural slip up or an intentional reaction we do not care. We confidently claim to know the latter better than anyone else; even better than the persons themselves. We take no account of the other side of the story for our judgment was made long before the wrong was even done.
Yes we know this “offender” keeps grudges so it is unnecessary to take in the details for we know their history.
Are you really being the fair judge you claim to be? I think you just missed the actual person who is this worse. Look into the mirror and you will get a full view of them.
Life has taught me one good lesson: never to criticize anyone, for I might as well do what the latter did if I were in the same shoes and under the same circumstances.
~would you marry you? ~
The question you must ask yourself today is whether or not you would marry yourself(a replica of yourself)
The best way to fully understand and know the type of people you would like to interact with is by first understanding yourself.
It would be very naive of an astronomer to continuously peer into the sky in order to “read” it without first knowing the lay of the ground on which they tread while they work. For they would eventually fall into a ditch and break their spine for not knowing there was a ditch lurking ahead.
Learning how to “smell one’s own breath” is the only sure way of making oneself cautious about keeping their breath fresh all the time.
This valentine’s day I would like us all to:
1.Be considerate when making decisions, in order for us not to hurt other.
2. Aim at fixing our personality slip ups
3. Be understanding and try to imagine what reaction our actions would bring upon us if we were in the shoe of the “listeners”
4. Develop ideal communication skills to enhance our human interaction I this interdependent world.
5. Be keen enough to understand the mechanism of ourselves before taking a leap into knowing others.

Quote of the week

~~It is best to keep an eye  on everything ~~

This week on Quote of the week we look at a very inspiring statement frequently made by the great Spaniard King; Phillip II, “it is best to keep an eye on everything”

With this motto, he built the most powerful nation at that time by plowing through the most trivial matters that most people would call irrelevant.

Have you ever thought about how weird it is that by applying only a drop of shampoo a day you gradually deplete it  to empty even though its level does not seem to move? Everything that happens in life has to some extent an impact on us, yet in our human state we tend to overlook trivial issues. Like a dam wall it is cheaper to fix a crack in our lives in its early stages than giving yourself the trouble of resolving the issue of an undulating resultant flood.

We stress ourselves making the most efficient machinery our technological age can ever allow us to, yet we forget that our minds are the unused super machines in our basement. With well conditioned minds we can lessen our gigantic expenses and accelerate on our investment.

Here is a carefree family of 3 that leaves most of the electrical appliances on and prefers to use two vehicles when going to the same destination and never minds how rough house gadgets are handled because they are insured. Its income is more likely to be drained by maintenance and other unnecessary costs. Of course the money if calculated may seem not to be much but it comes with a psychological rot  that is expensive to cure.

Paying extra attention to the seemingly small anomalies helps improve one’s sensitivity and thereby works as a life saver against certain tragedies.

You can save yourself from being swindled by noticing the early signs of insincerity before hand. You can also study the facial expressions on the people you are communicating with and thereby find better ways of interaction that do not offend them. Imploring this skill in a relationship can help erect road signs that would warn you of the dangers lurking ahead and hence you can control your speed.

Trivial matters if not taken care of while in infant stage can crystallize into huge insurmountable problems.

The core of Humanity Expounded

For years I sought an answer to the question on what unique ability made man different from all other living creatures. After much thought and meditation I came to realize the main difference that lay hidden to the average eye: the Human mind, all this time it had been lying right before my eyes yet I had failed to make head or tail of it.

Man is basically nothing any better than any animal yet it s his ability to think that makes him supreme and master over all living creatures, with the power of thought he forges weapons to use in his life either to destroy himself or defend himself.

Our circumstance are created by our very own thoughts and therefore by ourselves. We are our own sculptors and by thought we curve out our own circumstances.

Of course you would argue out on how possible it is that man has the power to control circumstances for it were so then nobody would dare to languish in misery. True enough we do not have direct control over our circumstances but every circumstance results from one’s own character and since character is defined by one’s thoughts then indirectly we hold the strings to our circumstances.

Thought and character are faces of the same coin and circumstances grow from thought. If you were to make a close assessment, you would no doubt perceive that change in circumstances happens in the same ratio with alteration in mental conditions.

Man is not different from computers, he works under programmed software that that is created unconsciously by the kind of thoughts he harbors within himself.

A porous wallet that hardly keeps money for a minute without having it drowned in a pool of unnecessary expenses can be a perfect example to explain this. these expenses are mostly as a result of one’s preset convictions like: “with my Occupation I can’t drive such a car”, “ it’s not in me to walk through a supermarket without pulling out two trolleys of purchased items”0r “ my social status cannot allow me sleep at such a cheap hotel.”  Therefore it wouldn’t be strange to see a person with such convictions walking out of a shop with trolleys of food when he had left his kitchen shelves stocked to the brim with food. It wouldn’t be odd to see someone draining all his financial resources in trying to purchase the most luxurious car he can lay his hands on just after being promoted at work.

Like a garden, thoughts if not well tendered can give way to weeds that can choke one’s character and life at a whole with every good in it.  We weave our own web of fate and therefore have no one else to blame when life goes “hay wire.”

It’s time you uncorked that bottle of knowledge stored up in you before it is returned to its initial shelf six feet below the ground. Man is naturally anxious to change his circumstances yet forgets to change himself and that is why the loathed circumstances keep coming back like a boomerang.

Sin is generally known to be inevitable and so has to be accommodated in one’s life but I believe continuous harboring of God-like thoughts makes a virtuous man.

A Cracked Pot Will Hold Sugar



Can you remember the last time you had a traumatic turn out of events, when you had reached your breaking point?

It’s one horrible nightmare not worth recalling when one is in the best of  moods. When hardships cross one’s threshold, despair seems to be the only alternative. But despair is never a solution to anything.

A traumatic situation may or may not leave deep festering wounds but I believe a cracked pot can hold sugar and this is what has seen me through those long tearful sleepless nights of life. It is one rewarding maxim that has embedded within it three cardinal pillars namely: determination, perseverance and flexibility (modification). And has the ability to drive hardship back to its filthy hole.

Afflictions will always be there in life but it is one’s ability to modify one’s already set course of achieving preset goals when problems cause irreversible impact that distinguishes man from a robot.

We, like automobiles can breakdown at the least expected minute but it is our degree of determination that determines how far our initial momentum can take us off road to safety before getting run over by other motorists.

Yet if this determination is coupled with flexibility, we can improvise on the faulty part while maintaining our speed and hence without the closest motorists even noticing we can get it fixed and zoom off. And this is the greatest skill that all prominent entrepreneurs have mustered.

Don’t let ill fate bring forth anger and despair, for when these two merge they drive nails into your own coffin, when you are worth more than a hundred pound mass of decaying matter.

Don’t get discouraged to try out   new ideas for fear of messing up. In case you didn’t know, there is no such thing as a full-born genius but a bundle of experience, so you might just be denying yourself a chance of becoming one of those bundles of experience, when fear is basically known to nothing more than False Expectations Appearing Real.

The Art Of Living

life is art

Can you count how many melodious songs you have ever listened to from the time you were born?

Or can you reckon how many plates of mouth-watering delicacies you had stuffed into your stomach last year?

I’m very sure the answer to these questions is NO and you will never be able to keep count of these tidings.

In all these foods that you have and shall taste, there are only FIVE primary tastes known to mankind that set your mouth to salivating and salivating till the  prized cheese is securely inside the dungeons of your gut. Isn’t weird how only Five elements can bring to life more flavors than man can ever taste? Yet the secret lies in the combinations and proportions of each element, just as the SEVEN known musical notes in artful combinations have birthed a vast variety of music across centuries.

These combinations were made by skilled hands that had mustered the qualities and properties of each element. They spent years learning this skill, nevertheless even up to their death beds they had only discovered a fraction of their quest while nature retained the rest.

Life too is an Art. It is an art whose relevance is above that of all known art; whether music or war and acquiring this skill is the greatest blessing ever bestowed upon man. Its manifold benefits are beyond the scope of the greatest scholars.

 Life, unlike all other forms of art and requires no formal education and bears no restrictions of age, wealth or status, for its books lie in the public domain called NATURE.

In order to start learning this art and become an old hand you need to know the following 9 basics:

1. Nature is a wild forest in which both wisdom and foolishness is kept; therefore you have to learn to distinguish the difference between the two for they seem to be alike to the average eye.

2. Wisdom DOES NOT come with age as it has always been known, for time does not make a person any wiser. Wisdom is about how much you intercept from your environment and its activities. The environment could be people, wildlife or even non-living things. I know you are wondering how wildlife and non living things can teach you a thing  but let me put it this way: A hungry dog upon seeing a child with a pie in her hand goes Over to her and performs a number of stunts and tail-wagging before her and upon cheering her up  snatches the now unguarded pie. An average man seeing that would call the dog a meanie but a wise man seeing that would conclude to say: not all that flatter you or seem to be close to you have good intentions behind their kindness. And this brings me to the 3rd point which is Motive.

3. Motive- it’s not enough to look at efforts and sacrifice people make in your life but it is divine to consider WHY they are doing all that. As an artist, it is cardinal to question your own motive for any action. Motives such as offering satisfaction to those around you and avoiding getting sacked by your boss are not the best motives for any good action in life.  Your motive should be “doing it  right because it’s the right thing to do”. Imagine how a fine workplace of “boss-fearing” employees would be like if the boss were to vacate his office for a month. It surely would be a jungle but if these workers were used to working because it was their responsibility then the absence of the boss would make no difference, and here comes the value of motive in life.

4. Planning and assessment- for every fine drawing, there is a fine sketch and any army General with the art of war at his finger tips first matches his capacity with that of his enemy before thinking of war and when he finds himself at an advantage in a possible war, he then begins to plan for war. Likewise you need to have a foresight and elaborate plans for every action that you take, thinking of the goods and ills in it as well as assessing circumstances.

All in all, a lot can be said about the basics of this art, hence we feel it is unwise to expound all its details in one day. Therefore we shall continue with this topic, going into other subdivisions like honesty, hard work, the human mind and the sacred virtues of benevolence, courage and quality among others. Yet the frequency of our posts in this category is dependent on your feedback on this post